Proof of Payment

Proof of Payment from Online Sites

I know it can make you feel a little leary reading about all these programs without seeing proof that money will come. Well here is proof of my income from these sites!

CashCrate: CashCrate How-To

Here is my September payment. It was dated October 16th and I received it October 26th. It is for $96.27

Here is my August payment. It was dated September 19th and I received it September 24th. It is for $115.35

Here is my July payment check. It was dated August 21st and I received it August 30th. It is for $229.57.

Here is my June payment check. It was sent July 24th and I received it July 28th. It is for $21.37. I didn't scan my check from May but I did get one!

ClixSense: ClixSense How-To

September payment. I love ClixSense, they pay so fast! Dated October 1st and I received this check October 5th. $12.30

My first check from ClixSense. Man they pay fast! Dated September 4, 2007 and I received it on September 6th. For $16.70. I love ClixSense!

Associated Content: Assocatied Content How-To

They have been very quick to pay. They pay through Paypal throughout the week. There is no set pay day.



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