Associated Content - How To

Associated Content How-To

If you like to write and like to get money, this site is for you.
Associated Content (AC) is the People's Media Company, the ultimate destination site for both the inquisitive public and Content Producers from around the world. Associated Content curates and publishes a robust, ever-expanding collection of engaging, insightful, original multimedia content on the Web, connecting information seekers with the knowledge they want and the widest range of diverse Content Producers.
Some basics of Associated Content:
  • Payment is by Paypal
  • They pay between $3 and $20 for articles
  • Payments are made within 3 business days of you accepting an offer for your work
  • You can submit articles on just about any topic

How to use Associated Content

  • After you are signed up, sign in and click the "Submit Content" tab
  • Select the type of content you will submit and it will bring up a template
  • Select "Exclusive" if they article has never been published anywhere, or "Non-Exclusive" if it has
  • Select "Yes" for "This content is being submitted for payment consideration"

  • Enter in your submission information

When your article is submitted, within a few days you will get an offer from AC for your content. You can accept it, reject it or resubmit. To view the status click on the "My Content" tab.

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